I’ve started giving myself 10 minute challenges. I set my timer for 10 minutes and tackle a household chore while my children are having a snack or lunch. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish in only 10 minutes when you focus on the task. The 10 minute challenge is a weekly feature on Mommies with Cents. Each week, I will show you one of the things I was able to accomplish in 10 minutes. I encourage you to join me- it really easy amazing what you are able to achieve, even if it’s incremental, if you set your mind (and timer!) to it!
My two year old’s favorite thing to do it get her hand on anything that isn’t hers and take off with it. A couple of weeks ago she got ahold of my wallet. It’s entire contents were emptied. It was a huge mess but I hadn’t cleaned that thing out in years and it was hard to find the things I needed when I needed them. A blessing in disguise?
At the time I was less than thrilled. I crammed everything back into my wallet until I had time to deal with it. Today, my wallet is organized and useful. Most of the stuff that was in there went in the garbage! It took me about 10 minutes to sort through it but that was time well spent. I always feel better when things are organized, don’t you?
I’d love to hear ways you manage your time at home with kids. Please share your tips with me and our other readers by leaving a comment, then come back next week for another 10 minute challenge!
Be sure to check out all of our other 10 minute challenge posts!