This remarkable true-life story of Ricky Hill’s improbable journey to play Major League Baseball is an inspiration. It stars Dennis Quaid as James Hill Colin Ford as Rickey Hill, Joelle Carter as Hellen Hill, Rickey’s mother, Randy Houser as Ray Clemons, a man from Rickey’s childhood who encourages him to try out for the MLB, Jesse Berry as young Rickey Hill, Bonnie Bedelia, and Scott Glenn as Red Murff, the MLB scout who discovers Rickey.
Rickey is the son of a impoverished pastor. He was born with physical limitations but he didn’t let that or his upbringing stop him from dreaming of not only playing the game he loved but of playing it in the big leagues.
The Hill is only in theaters starting August 25th but tickets are on sale now. Visit to purchase your tickets today! You can watch the trailer here.
Complimentary screening was provided for this post however, all opinions expressed are my own. I was also compensated for my time. See Mommies With Cents disclosure policy for more details.
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This giveaway is open until August 26, 2023 at 12:01 am EST to U.S residents.
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