I’ve witnessed the power of weighted items myself and know how beneficial they can be! The Huggaroo Plush Lap Pad was designed specifically for kids to help them when they are anxious or nervous. These plush, adorable and friendly looking animals (puppy or lamb) are weighted lap pads that are just the right size for kids to snuggle and hold. It weighs about 3.5 pounds and feels comfortably heavy. The softness and weight of these lap pads can help lower anxiety, reduce stress and induce a calmness in kiddos. The whole thing is 100% machine washable so parents won’t have to worry about it getting dirty. The 100% polyester fabric lap pad is filled with hypoallergenic, non-toxic, odorless, food- grade, polypropylene (plastic) pellets. The product was tested by U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission approved lap and exceeds safety standards so you can rest assured it’s safe for your little one.
Huggaroo Plush Lap Pads are great for the car and are perfect for taking along to doctor or dentist appointments that children might have anxiety about. I’m a substitute paraeducator and have seen weighted products like vests and blankets help calm children with special needs many, many times. Parents seek out products like these for autistic children and those that have sensory issues but they can be beneficial for ANY child!
My eight year old daughter loves her Huggaroo Puppy and finds comfort not only in the weight of it but it’s soft, friendly face and floppy ears that can be caressed. She doesn’t have any special needs but what child couldn’t use a little help to find calm in their big world? You can find out more about Huggaroo Plush Lap Pads at www.huggaroo.com. They are also sold on Amazon.
Complimentary product was provided for this review, however, all opinions expressed are my own. I was not compensated in any other way. See Mommies With Cents disclosure policy for more details.
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This giveaway is open until July 24, 2019 at 12:01 am EST to U.S residents.