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Even though I’m not a fashion blogger, I’ve been doing a lot more style pieces lately and having a lot of fun with it. I may not be a fashion guru but I have come across quite a few things as examples of what NOT to wear. It’s been pretty amusing for me so I decided to share my finds with you each Wednesday for a good laugh. So without further ado, I present you What Not to Wear installment #10:
While not exactly fashionable, I’m all for the warm and cozy hoodie or sweatshirt. They’re great for casual days around the house or for running errands. I have to draw the line at furry elk sweatshirts though. This adult sized sweatshirts looks like it’s for a little kid but I wouldn’t even dress my three year old in this kookie shirt, even though it DOES look cozy. What do you think? Would you or your kiddos wear this shirt? It IS a bargain though — you can get this Elk Sweatshirt for only $22.19!
You can see previous installments of What Not to Wear Wednesday here. For real fashion advice, consult a stylist for FREE at You can also check out some of my fashion posts here.
Do you have a contribution for the What Not to Wear series? Please email me at mommieswithcents at gmail dot com.