If there was ever a good time to start a new hobby, it’s now! People worldwide are finding themselves with more free time on their hands than ever before thanks to the coronavirus. Some people are taking up gardening. Others are committing to daily workout routines to get their body in shape. Some are getting in to gaming or learning to knit. There are endless options and productive ways to stay busy! If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to play piano, now might be a good time!
MusicianAuthority.com serves over 50,000 readers per month and helps musicians of all ages and levels learn and develop musical skills. Music can have a therapeutic effect to help you relax and reduce stress. It’s great for kids! If your kids are interested in learning to play the piano, Music Authority’s Learn to Play the Piano In 9 Easy Steps is a great place to start. It lays out a plan to learn to play the piano in 9 easy steps!
I know that personally, our family has always been too busy with sports to pick up any other extracurricular activities. My kids do have other interests, they’re just really invested in their sports. Right now, they are practicing at home to keep their skills sharp. Since they are doing distance learning instead of going to school full-time, they have extra hours in the day to take up new hobbies. I’m willing to bet that the people in your household also have some extra time on their hands as well unless they are essential workers (to which we send our heartfelt and sincere thanks!).
Learning how to play piano might seem a little daunting, especially after listening to your favorite professional pianist. Even the most masterful artists had to start somewhere! If you’re willing to put in some hard work and stick with it, you too can be playing your favorite songs on the piano before you know it! If you’re ready to start learning how to play the piano, pop on over to Musician Authority to see their suggestions on how to play the piano in nine easy steps!