During my first pregnancy I was super cautious about everything I put into my body. I didn’t drink caffeine, I made sure to make sure my lunch meats were heated and I never missed a prenatal vitamin. With the two following pregnancies I was a little more relaxed and may have enjoyed a cup of coffee on occasion. I realize decaf is always an option but sometimes mommy needs a pick me up! Now, thanks to Mommee Coffee, more options are available to help you through all stages of Motherhood!
Mommee Coffee was made by moms that love coffee to offer guilt-free, organic coffee for consumption during conception, pregnancy, breastfeeding and beyond. Mommee coffee gives moms the power to control their caffeine consumption by offering four unique caffeine coffee levels including Decaf, 1/4 Caf, 1/2 Caf and Full Caf. Each one is water processed for chemical free decaffeination, has low acidity and is made with high-quality organic, fair trade coffee beans.
I would have loved having the option of Mommee Coffee back when I was pregnant and breastfeeding. Even now that I’m well beyond that, I like the idea of having more control over my caffeine consumption as it can have different effects depending on where I am at in my cycle.
Available in single bags, gift boxes or a subscription to keep ’em coming with free shipping! Mommee Coffee makes a wonderful gift for any new or expecting mom! I love that the coffee comes in a resealable ziplock bag to keep the coffee fresh. You can find out more at www.mommeecoffee.com.
Complimentary product was provided for this review, however, all opinions expressed are my own. I was not compensated in any other way. See Mommies With Cents disclosure policy for more details.
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