In our family, the most important thing about birthdays is celebrating together and making the birthday boy or girl feel special. Yesterday we celebrated my youngest daughter's first birthday and while she won't have her own memories of it, I made sure to take lots of pictures and video so she'll be able to look back and see how happy we all were celebrating her first year of life. Family … [Read more...]
Savvy Sunday: Things I Wish I Would Have Known
I was a nanny for almost 10 years before I had kids of my own. I thought I had things pretty figured out. I got married, we bought a house and we started fixing it up just the way we wanted it. Then we had kids. Looking back, I'd do some things differently. Here are a few examples.Doorknobs. Who would have thought there was a right and wrong when it comes to kids. While these lever knobs … [Read more...]
Savvy Sunday: Kool Aid Play Dough Halloween Treats
Did you know you can make your own play dough with common household items you probably already have on hand? What kid doesn't love playing with play dough? They'll especially love this recipe because they'll get to help you make it and it smells good enough to eat! Not only does the Kool Aid give the dough it's color, it gives it a yummy fragrance as well! Ingredients: 2 1/2 c. flour 1/2 … [Read more...]
Savvy Sunday: Family Toothbrushing
It might seem a little strange to most people, but we brush our teeth in the kitchen — as a family! There's a lot more room in the kitchen than the bathroom with a bigger sink too. We keep our toothbrushes on top of the microwave which is on the counter next to the sink. The kids like to pull a chair over to the sink so they can get their own drink of water afterwards. Our oldest two who are 4 … [Read more...]
Savvy Sunday: Halloween Costumes
Halloween costumes don't have to cost an arm and a leg. All it takes is a little creativity to pull off an adorable kids costume for a few bucks (or FREE if you already have the supplies on hand). But what do you do if you don't have a creative bone in your body or no time to pull off a homemade costume? I've got a couple of suggestions and while they will cost you something, it'll be worth it … [Read more...]
Camping with Kids: Sanity Saving Tips
Our family has an annual tradition. Every summer we go camping together on the Oregon coast. The very first year we went I found out I was pregnant with our first child. Since then we've added two more children to the mix and have experienced camping with kids for several years. There are several things that have made surviving (and even enjoying) camping with kids possible that I'd like to … [Read more...]